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This is a blog about our life. I started the blog because we lived overseas for my husbands job. That meant it was hard to keep family, back in The States, in the loop about what we were up to. It also became a great way to share my sons birth story with everyone who we wish could have been there. I slowly got busy with life & stopped blogging. Here we are in 2014, living back in the good ol' USA & as we make life changes I find this to be a great way to share my thoughts and save them for my son to look back on someday.

Monday, July 25, 2011

He has a BirthDate

So today was my 36 week checkup. I won't actually be 36 weeks until Wednesday but The Mr was off today so we went ahead and scheduled the appointment for today. All is well. However, Chango is still breech. We went ahead and scheduled a c-section. He is also very big, 3480grams which is about 7.6lbs. Yeah, hes not a little baby. He is measuring in the 90th percentile. I am 100% comfortable having a c-section. I know some women really want to experience natural birth. Call me crazy, but I don't mind either way, as long as he is safely brought into this world, I really don't care. So I am not at all sad that I will not be having him naturally. Well, technically, if he flips before my c-section then I will go back to having him naturally. We just wait and see. So until then we just wait. I check into the hospital the day before my surgery. So everyone mark your calenders, as long as everything is good from here on out, god willing, Chango will be making his entrance on August 11, 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for caring more about your baby;s safety than HOW he's born. Good luck!

    BTW, hopped over from the Military Families board.
