Why work? So I've been asked by a few people why am I going to work if I have such a hard time leaving him & financially we are okay without Income from me. It's easy. He won't be home with me forever. Next fall he would go to pre-k and then it's off to kinder. If I waited until then it would be 8yrs out of the workforce for me and 3yrs since I finished my degree basically making it irrelevant. I have always wanted to work. Actually growing up my dream was to be a working mom with a stay at home husband. <---Crazy right? Having been a SAHM for 3 years has been AMAZING! I wouldn't do anything different well maybe I'd wait another year to apply for jobs lol
Money, money, money. I have a good amount of student loan debt. Honestly, if I didn't I probably wouldn't care if my degree went to waste but I absolutely hate feeling like we spent all the money for a piece of paper on the wall. Granted my new position isn't in my degree field, I do think I was chosen because I have a degree. Paying for daycare...HOLY COW! It's expensive. I can't say for certain that this job is permanent because it may end up just not being worth it when we consider daycare costs. It's already $100/month more than we had wanted to pay. But even at the rate we want to pay it'll be a good chunk of my check. So once we really see what I'll be bringing home we will decide if its worth or if I'm just working to pay for daycare & have a couple dollars leftover <---not worth it!
Bubble guts. Leaving my baby all day is super rough on me. I feel like today is even harder than yesterday FOR ME. Yesterday was pretty easy for him. He said bye, love you & didn't mind that I left. Wahhhh :( that does make it easier for me though. The last time we attempted daycare a year ago he cried, I cried & he never went back LOL yup I'm that mom.
So here we go...Day 2...to be cont.
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